The Root of Modern Day Slavery
Women and children are taken from their homes, away from their families, and shipped to various countries all over the world, as if they are objects; mindless, soulless bodies, commodities of the international sex trade. This is a form of modern day slavery. They are forced into prostitution and become sex slaves.
Poverty stricken countries enter the sex trade as the economy worsens. More and more people end up unemployed and they become desperate for money, thus taking up any opportunity without thinking twice. Women and children are lured into the industry by making them believe they will have better lives if they take up the job offers or if they agree to follow a program overseas. They look at these opportunities as blessings; as a way out, so they do not question it. These fraudulent opportunities target vulnerable economies to acquire the women and children that keep the industry going through prostitution and working at brothels.
Families also take desperate measures and actually sell their own children into the sex trade. Girls are more likely to be sold since boys are more valuable than girls. This sexism is also the reason why women cannot find jobs. They are seen as inferior and uneducated, while men are seen as strong, intelligent, the opposite of women.
Violence is another factor that contributes to the trafficking. In societies of poverty, violence is often present. This gives women and children more incentive to follow these trafficking agents for "security."
Political conflict also increases trafficking. Military bases are linked to the rise, and the vulnerability of the women and children at refugee camps are often taken advantage of.
My Views
Many people do not understand the severity of this problem. On an episode of Viva La Bam, the group of pranksters order a bride for one of their friends. They look at these online sites and find the fact that they can just order a bride amusing, entertaining even. They do not realize why these women are on these online catalogs. This kind of ignorance is what makes people blind to the underlying truth; to the struggle other human beings face. If everyone were more educated about these issues there would be more compassion, more understanding, a more unified humanity between people of every race, gender, religion, etc.
It saddens me to see that women are degraded to "goods" and it empowers me even more to stand for myself and other women because we are strong. Women should not be underestimated because we are constantly rising up in society but the cruelty of mankind has no mercy and those who suffer the greatest are women and children. No one deserves what they face everyday, especially the children that have so much to offer the world; children who hold the future. Their innocence is taken advantage of. These agents are so consumed in money and sex that they do not even think of these people as human beings anymore; they do not think to put themselves in their shoes because they do not care. I try to imagine what these agents and clients think, and it disgusts me. They may believe for instance, that marrying a mail-order bride is okay because she is willing to. Does will make that justified? No it does not. Victims of the sex trade are always led to believe they will find content if they follow these agents, but they later find out otherwise. If a prostitute is willing to sell her body is that justified? No it does not. "Pimps" manipulate them, threaten them, until they are willing. I do not understand why people would go to such drastic measures by enslaving others to make money. What if it was their mother? Their sister? Their son? Any loved one? Themselves? Where has the morality gone?
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